Wednesday, 12 December 2007
micing creatively.
People Never Learn
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Changing things
But it should be good.
On another tech note thinking of starting a page, just for techs at church, so that i can communicate policies, and decisions and news from the industry, as well as each others thoughts etc on issues. We'll see how this goes.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Foldbacks and training
I've been fairly busy. Currently I'm working on a few different projects, including working on a fold back solution for our current building that will not only tide us over to our new auditorium, but also, when the new auditorium is built will serve our current hall when it becomes the children's and youth hall sometime on the next 12 months hopefully.
the other is starting to develop training programs for the next 12 months and thinking about teams as we travel as a church towards our new building. This includes time schedules, when we will start training on the new gear in our current building so that when we move into our new building it will be a smooth transition.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Also we repositioned the main spots as well as the left front of house speaker.
Over the coming weeks we have some other jobs lined up, as well as having other long term maintenance jobs that i'll do while at work.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
willow creek leadership summit - Wesley theatre.
It was really good. Overall, sound was just loud enough (just) Singers weren't mixed the greatest on Friday as it was hard to hear anyone other than the lead, and her only when the band was quite. The band was interesting on Friday, it was only keys, bass and drums, but the mix of hese was great. Audio was provide by cpc audio
They had placed 3 small Meyer line array speakers along the step of the stage for front fill, and the one on our side was sending sound up along the wall, and was reflecting out from the pier next to me, and right into my ear, about 1/2 a second behind the main front of house.
Lighting was by a LSC maxim 48/96 desk
Sound was on an Allen and Heath GL4000 (I've used one of these)
Vision was distributed by Edirol V - 440 HD video mixer (I've used one of these, there awesome)
All in all tech was good, with only some slight problems, with slides and cues for mics being missed regularly.
It's always good to go to other places and see tech there and how they do things.
Monday, 5 November 2007
Media team
Been toying with the idea of establishing a media team at my church. Here's the start of my idea document/report.
"As our church moves forward and reaches many new people in Dapto and surrounding areas, we will increasingly rely on different forms of media in all areas of our operation, from services, to outreach to day to day running of the church. As such, and to remove strain from team members I feel it is necessary to establish a team who's specific job is to handle our media, be it videos, website or even our bulletin design."
Let me know what you think. Its an interesting idea I've been working on for a couple of weeks.
Testing out Office2007 functions
Just reading Josh's blog, and was reading that he tried out this feature of Word 2007 to post straight to the net from here. Interesting. I'll see what it's like.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
new mall
so heres to the new mall.
Friday, 26 October 2007
of cameras and other cool toys.
Just listening to the Church tech talk podcast this morning, and they were talking about a sweet camera from JVC, the JVC GY-HD250.
It's high definition and has some really awesome other features as well as having awesome colour abilities. Like shooting in real colour and then making it dull later, not shooting it dull.
Oh if i had a spare $13,000.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
corinthians 7
- "It is good for a man not to marry"
- "It is good for them to remain single."
- "He should not become uncircumcised" (I'm interested as to how this is possible??)
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
just got a copy of adobe audition 2 today. its awesome software that i plan to use for recording and mastering and everything. awesome. All i need to do now is work out how to make it and my Edirol FA-101 talk to each other.
Monday, 15 October 2007
sundays vol ???`
It was a rather relaxing day. i didn't go to church in the morning, instead heading out to the go karts and helped warren out with timing. I had fun out there. Then i had to leave early so that i could set up some extra recording stuff to do a special record at our youth service. It worked well early, but then at crunch time, because we were pressed for time as i had a meeting for an hour before the service, I didn't get to do a test record during sound check, so when it came to crunch time I've hit record and listened in the cans, and low and behold, the send from the splitter to my recording spot was bad. i think it was just a bad lead. So that didn't happen so i was pretty disgruntled by that. serve me right for no doing a test record.
715, I did mixing, and it was a good service, except for some booing bass, and also a preacher that kept coughing straight down into the lapel microphone, ouch!. Also we showed a video that was made recapping a previous series as we are coming back to it, using a kutless music video and overlaying it with some pictures from the last series. their was a problem however, and the audio track was patchy over the parts where images had been input. to me it seems like a software or encoding problem, when it was made. were going to have to work it out.
anyway. im up early to pick mum up fro the airport at 6 o'clock. ouch.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
We talked about how that immediate reactions to their actions weren't good or building up.
4 steps to discipline;
- Look / Stop
- Verbal - Positive peer pressure can come in at this step.
- Time out
- Go home, parent intervention
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
New building 1
I'll keep you updated on the progress. We may even start a blog for the project.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Sundays Vol 4
Sunday was a good Sunday in general It was the last Sondaze of the term, it was good.
5pm rocked. It was ok, but the message really stood out. Mitch spoke, which is almost always great. This week he spoke on temptation, from Genesis 3. He likened temptation to a fine line that myou can cross to enter sin, or reject and stay away from sin.
Some other points were;
- We can be like children that forget the whole picture.
- Temptation is all about us
- Freedom in the world will enslave us
- Do not be deceived by temptation
- Temptation is when we doubt that God wants what's best for us.
Quote of the weekend was Mitch at 5pm "God wants us to have sex... Not only have sex but have excellent sex"
Saturday, 22 September 2007
You Version
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Bose 802
Sundays vol 3
It was an interesting Sunday.
Firstly in the morning i was invited to go to a friend of mine's church, to consult on their tech gear.
Lets just say it was an interesting experience. It was a traditional style service, but the teaching was appalling. We had a reading from the word, but then a sermon with absolutely nothing to do with the word, but more on patting their own backs, and why their denomination (BRAND) was better than others.
So after that experience the Sunday got better.
I came home, and turned around to go and do a memorial service thingo for one of our youth who tragically passed away a year ago. It was a moving experience, to see youth group kids, kids who have come to youth group, her family etc all there.
5 rocked. It was a good feel, Pete's message was awesome. It was really good. I've been training up a volunteer and she's starting to come good. I hardly had to do anything on Sunday. Sound was ok. participation was good.
715 was also a great service. i didn't have to do anything at this service, so it was a bit odd. Sat with my girl, enjoyed the service. Shane's message was awesome, it was our second week of Hoy Spirit, and it was a great interpretation of the word.
If i could work out how to post just audio to the blog i'd put it up, but i'm currently working on something that means i can do that.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
broken guitars

Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Holy Spirit Vol 2
So i guess that answered my question about the singularity of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes i forget stuff in the word, which reminds me i need to base my whole life in it.
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Holy Spirit Vol 1 / Sunday vol 2
5 was really good also. Cas did a great sermon from psalm 51 on purityfing your life, just as David had to do.
7:15 started a new sermon series that s been started in all our main services this week on the holy spirit. And it raised some interesting questions. Something that me and a couple of mates were talkiing about this morning is the singularity or personality of the Holy Spirit. Did the spirit really have its own personality, and is it event separate. Does the trinity actually exist, or that it is some doctrine left over from pre reformation. I'm a bit confused by it all and am working through it
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
blessings abundant
I shared this verse with sev, for a video for epidemic on dating. It's from proverbs 19:14 "Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, s but a prudent wife is from the LORD"
I just really love how it says Houses and wealth are inherited, so basically things of this world are inherited, or worked for, but a "prudent wife", or a wife who is the one God meant for you, is a gift from God, just like grace. She is a woman that God meant for you to share your life with. This amazes me, and i believe God has given me this young amazing woman in my life.
I know and trust in him and this week have felt his presence evermore.
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
sundays vol 1
We tried a new stage layout this week, supposedly, we're trying it for 3 months, although that seems like a long time for a trial. Had some feedback. Some of the singers like it, but many of the band members from different services didn't really like it that much. Might come up with some more ideas, and see where we get.
Monday, 3 September 2007
KHS Scripture seminars.
All in all a fun day serving our maker.
Sunday, 2 September 2007
The God of Gold and Glory
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Ministry Mutiny
I just finished reading Ministry Mutiny.
I really loved it. After reading a lot of youth ministry books, about how we have to do all these new things to speak to youth today, this was a reminder that we really don't. All the principles of ministry no matter if its youth or not have been given to us in God's word. The principles that his people, and the principles Jesus based hiw ministry on are all we really need, and when we stray from that ministry becomes difficult.
Key learnings:
- Listen for God's Whisper
- Get Real
- Go Wide
- Go Deep
- No More Outsourcing
- Build on Values, Not Fads
Of hanging Boards