Went to Burn Your Plastic Jesus on Wednesday night.
It was awesome.
Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Seattle spoke. He was awesome.
He had 7 myths about Jesus that he blew out of the water. They were;
1. Religious Jesus
2. Bling Jesus
3. Moral Jesus
4. Aussie Jesus
5. Country Jesus
6. Spiritual Jesus
7. Pensioner Card Jesus
There was some really awesome stuff here.
He then responded to some questions, which led into his close point, which was who the Bible and Jesus say Jesus is. They follow.
1. Jesus said he came down from heaven (John 6)
2. Jesus performed miracles
3. Jesus said he was God (Mark 14:61-64 + John 10:30-35)
4. Jesus said he was without sin (John 8:46)
5. Jesus forgave sin (Mark 2)
6. Jesus is the way, truth and life and no-one comes to the Father but through him (John 14:6)
As well as these points he raised some other points along the way, including, the state of men in not just Australia but also in the Church here. He really slammed young guys who live a cushy life, that they should leave home and become men. It was a challenge to me. I'm still living at home, but I'm doing uni, I'm engaged to be married,a dn i'm only 22, so i guess I'm not too bad. I was really challenged though, that maybe one day God will call on me to plant a church. That's going to be exciting. Below is a video taken from the night (from sydney anglicans) so have a gander.