Monday 11 May 2009

What New Converts should be doing for ministry

This is part 2 of last weeks post, on why new converts shouldn't be in upfront ministry.
I'm not sure what the exact statistic is, but it is known by church leaders, that within a certain amount of time, New Christians’ lose almost all of their non-Christian friends, and yet it is these people who need saving and helping.
For this reason it is my belief that New Christians should be supported, discipled and trained in order to effectively evangelise to their friends and workmates.
In today’s culture and throughout church history, the church has been called to be missional. I believe that in order to best do this the church must not continue on a path of "assimilation" of new Christians, but should instead focus on these converts being properly equipped and impassioned for ministry within the culture that they live, so that not only they may be saved but there friends too. This should be the focus of new Christians and ministry, not serving the other members of the church only, but serving the wider community, while they still have those contacts and networks.
Similarly, last week I read an article by Jonathan Dodson, over at resurgence, that was all about missional living, and didn’t so much speak to new converts as it did members of the church, and it made me consider how I can be missionally living in my world and culture. I recommend Everyone give it a look.


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