Tuesday 18 September 2007

Sundays vol 3

Well this is a day late. Normally i post about sundays on mondays. But i forgot.
It was an interesting Sunday.
Firstly in the morning i was invited to go to a friend of mine's church, to consult on their tech gear.
Lets just say it was an interesting experience. It was a traditional style service, but the teaching was appalling. We had a reading from the word, but then a sermon with absolutely nothing to do with the word, but more on patting their own backs, and why their denomination (BRAND) was better than others.

So after that experience the Sunday got better.
I came home, and turned around to go and do a memorial service thingo for one of our youth who tragically passed away a year ago. It was a moving experience, to see youth group kids, kids who have come to youth group, her family etc all there.

5 rocked. It was a good feel, Pete's message was awesome. It was really good. I've been training up a volunteer and she's starting to come good. I hardly had to do anything on Sunday. Sound was ok. participation was good.

715 was also a great service. i didn't have to do anything at this service, so it was a bit odd. Sat with my girl, enjoyed the service. Shane's message was awesome, it was our second week of Hoy Spirit, and it was a great interpretation of the word.
If i could work out how to post just audio to the blog i'd put it up, but i'm currently working on something that means i can do that.


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